Our Campaign Wins the David and Goliath Award - SMK National Campaigner Awards 2023

On 24th May, Power for People attended the Sheila McKechnie Foundation Campaign Awards and were honoured to win the David and Goliath Award, which celebrates small campaign groups that take on bigger organisations and challenge vested power. The Campaign Awards honour campaigns from around the country making effective change.

The Community Energy Revolution campaign mobilises nationwide advocacy from individuals, community groups, local organisations, and local councils in communities across the UK for the Local Electricity Bill to be made law. We equip supporters with the skills and confidence needed to engage with their MP and have brought on board nearly half the country’s MPs, who have then gone on to advocate for the Bill in Parliament as a result.

While we have not won the campaign yet, we were thrilled to celebrate progress thus far and share in the excitement with campaigns big and small. Congratulations to all the nominees and fellow winners.


The Community Energy Revolution - Our Response to the Government’s Current Stance


Powerful showing at Energy Bill Second Reading: 15 MPs speak in support of community energy